Zack and Rob Attend the EntreLeadership Summit for More Ways to Help You in WIN!


Taylor's Landscape Supply is always on the lookout for methods to invest in our team members. Last week, for example, when Zack and Rob went to the EntreLeadership Summit in Orlando, it was clear that we were putting our money where our mouth is!

Taylor's Team Building at a conference

Why do we feel it's so essential to continue developing as a team? We recognize that our team's success is our company's success, so it only makes sense to keep everyone sharp and learning.

Here are a few reasons Taylor's Landscape Supply values investing in their team members:

1. It helps us attract top new team members.

When potential new team members see that Taylor's Landscape Supply is truly committed to professional development, it sets us apart from the competition. They know that if they come work for us, they'll have opportunities to grow and advance in their careers.

2. It helps us retain our best team members.

In today's job market in the Lowcountry, people are always looking for new challenges and opportunities. If we can provide that for our team members, they're much less likely to leave us for another company.

3. It makes us more effective as a team.

When everyone is up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices, we can work more efficiently and effectively together. We're able to troubleshoot problems faster and come up with creative solutions more easily.

4. It helps us better serve our customers.

If we're constantly learning and growing, we're able to provide an even higher level of service to our customers. They know they can rely on us to be experts in our field and to always be on the cutting edge.

These are just a few of the reasons why professional development is so important to us at Taylor's Landscape Supply.

Taylor's Team Members at the Leadership conference

We're always looking for new ways to invest in our team members because we know it's an investment in our company's future. Zack and Rob had a blast at the EntreLeadership Summit and came back full of new ideas to implement at Taylor's.

We can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us!

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