Getting Out in Nature or Spending Time in Your Garden Can Help You Relax and Reduce Stress

Yes, gardening can be a lot of fun, but did you know that it is also beneficial to your health? Working in the garden has been proven to reduce stress.


The Big Benefits of Gardening in the Lowcountry

Do you need a breather from stress, worries, and anxiety? Take your gardening gloves with you and go out to the garden. Gardening has long been recognized as beneficial to one's health and well-being, as well as providing social benefits.

There's no reason not to use your green thumb for good, according to studies that show that gardening may contribute to both physical and emotional well-being while also strengthening family ties. Gardens of all sizes have the potential to provide significant benefits for you and your family, whether it's a few plants on a windowsill, pots on a deck, beds and borders in the yard, or a vegetable garden.

Gardening may assist to reduce tension and improve one's mental health.

Chronic stress hurts your body and contributes to anxiety, sadness, and illness such as heart disease and diabetes, according to the Mayo Clinic. That's why learning how to cope effectively with your mind and body is so essential. Sow some seeds, water a few plants, make a bouquet or weed the garden, and you'll see that time has passed quickly while cares that were pressing on you earlier have faded into view.



Working in the garden has a greater cortisol reduction effect (a chemical produced by your body in response to stress) than reading a book does. Simply sitting in a garden may also be beneficial. Hospitals around the world are incorporating gardens into their facilities to assist patients heal faster and staff members avoid burn out.

  • A study done by several Universities found that spending time in nature can reduce stress.
  • Being around plants and flowers has been shown to decrease depression, as well as increase mood stability.
  • Research shows that people who have access to green spaces sleep better at night, are more creative, learn more easily, and may even be less anxious.

Gardening has a beneficial effect on your immune system.

Getting messy was never thought to be good for your health. It turns out that regularly being exposed to beneficial soil bacteria boosts your immune system, lowers your risk of inflammatory disease, and reduces stress.

Gardening is excellent exercise

Consider all of the activities involved in growing a garden – getting up and down, walking, stretching, moving big bags of mulch or soil – it might be a tough workout. Weeding or raking may burn 300 calories an hour on a regular basis.



Gardening also helps with dexterity, strength, and endurance – it's a full-body workout! Physically active individuals are less likely to get diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. According to one research, gardening may lower the chance of dementia by 36%. And staying active in the garden has never been easier thanks to innovative gardening equipment that make gardening easier on the body while also making it more accessible.

Taylor's Landscape Suppy is here to help you WIN!

If you’ve been looking for a reliable landscape supply company, then look no further! Taylor's Landscape Supply has all the resources and equipment you need to get your garden in tip-top shape. We offer everything from lush plants and flowers to compost, mulch, and even pinestraw.


Don’t spend another summer struggling to maintain your garden on your own. With our help, you can have the beautiful outdoor space you’ve always wanted. We know that every garden is different, so we offer personalized assistance to ensure that you get the products and services you need.

If you’re not sure where to start, our team can provide expert advice on which plants will thrive in your specific environment. If you need any extra supplies, we have a wide selection of tools and equipment available for rental or purchase.



No matter what your landscape supply needs are, Taylor's Landscape Supply has you covered.

Visit us today and see the difference we can make in your garden!


1 comment

  • Charity Coleman

    hello, You guys made a delivery for us at the Gullah Farmers Cooperatives earlier today (6/23) and I just wanted check and see if you guys deliver compost as well

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