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Do's and Don'ts of Winter Lawn Care in the Lowcountry

Do's and Don'ts of Winter Lawn Care in the Lowcountry

Jan 9, 2023

Here in the Lowcountry and Coastal Empire, we are lucky to have a mild climate that allows us to keep our lawns looking lush without too much extra effort during the winter season.

While this time of year can be a nightmare for other areas, there are still some do's and don'ts that you should follow in our local area when it comes to winter lawn and landscape care. In this blog post, we will go over the top four Do's and Don'ts of Winter Lawn Care in the Lowcountry.

The Top 4 Do's and Don'ts

DO: Fertilize your lawn during the cooler months with specialized winter fertilizers. This will help ensure that your grass gets the nutrients it needs to stay healthy through the chillier months.

Additionally, spreading mulch around your plants is another great way to protect them from cold temperatures and help keep moisture levels up.

DON'T: Let leaves, pine needles, and other debris accumulate on your lawn. This can create a great environment for pests and diseases to thrive in, leading to plenty of unwanted problems in your yard. Additionally, make sure you don’t overwater during these colder months - overwatering can lead to fungal diseases or root rot which will damage your grass or plants permanently.

DO: Check for any low spots or holes in your lawn regularly throughout wintertime. If there are any dips or depressions present, it’s important that you fill them up because water collects in these areas which can cause damage if left unattended.

You should also check for any weeds growing as well since they compete with existing grass for resources like soil nutrients and water – so it’s best to get rid of them before they spread further!

DON’T: Forget about mowing your grass! Even though it may seem counterintuitive during colder weather periods, mowing your grass helps promote better air circulation which is beneficial for maintaining healthy growth throughout all seasons - especially winter!

Just make sure you adjust mower blade height accordingly since cutting off too much at once could damage the roots of your plants or grass blades more easily than usual due to cold temperatures. 

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With these four simple tips, you can keep your lawn looking its best even during winter months here in the Lowcountry and Coastal Empire region! Remember – fertilize with specialized winter fertilizers, remove debris regularly, check for low spots/holes/weeds often, and don’t forget about mowing!

Following these guidelines will help ensure that you have a beautiful yard all year long!