We really enjoy engaging with our customers on social media, and recently, we've getting a lot of questions about how to place a special order online.
Be sure to always check in with us on social media as we're going to answer a couple of questions today. Everybody wants to know when we get plants in, when do we get them? How do you go about ordering plants and what days do our new arrivals come in? So as you can see, today's Tuesday and we have a whole bunch of plants on the ground. Anything from annual perennials, some grasses, shrubs, anything you can imagine comes in throughout the entire week.
When To Plant Orders?
Our plant orders go in on Mondays. So, Monday by 12, o'clock, all of our orders have to be placed with our vendors in order to get it by that Friday things happen. We don't always get the trucks, shipping drivers delivery, anything can go wrong, but typically by the time you order us place on Monday, it should be here by Friday.